Four Things You Should Know When Starting to Learn Norwegian

Just Starting to Learn Norwegian?
Here are Four things You should Know: 

So you have decided to start learning the Norwegian language? You´ll be happy to know that due to the many similarities between English and Norwegian, Norwegian has been named the easiest language for English speakers to learn by! Here are four useful pieces of information for those who are just starting to learn the Norwegian language:

Ok, now you are ready to start learning the Norwegian language - good luck!

Video about the basics of learning Norwegian:

The most important resources on

Clicking on the icons below will take you to the most important free resources on this website.
These resources are mainly in the Norwegian language, although a few of them include brief introductions or explanations  in English.


ONLINE NORWEGIAN COURSE: Take the popular online Norwegian Course "The Mystery of Nils" (level A1-A2 or level B1-B2)!

Learn Norwegian Today!