Similarities between Norwegian and English
118 Norwegian words
that are Quite Similar to
their English Equivalents
Many Norwegian Words are Similar to their English Equivalents
Below, you can find a list of 118 Norwegian words that are quite similar to their English equivalents. This is in no way an exhaustive list; there are many more words that are quite similar in Norwegian and English. So, why are there so many similarities between Norwegian and English? There are basically two reasons for this:
Both Norwegian and English are part of the Germanic language family, and as such are closely related. Other Germanic languages include German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Icelandic.
Throughout history, various European languages have influenced each other quite significantly: There are quite a few Norwegian words that originated from English, and English includes a few loanwords from Norwegian - and there are quite a few English words that originated from modern Norwegian´s predecessor Old Norse. Additionally, both Norwegian and English include a lot of words that originated from other European languages such as French, Latin, Greek and Spanish. For example, the Norwegian word program and its English equivalent programme (British) / program (North American) both originated from a Greek word.
In the list below you will find 118 words that are spelled and pronounced somewhat similarly in Norwegian and English. Please note, however, that the usage of the words may vary a little between the two languages, so that the usage of an English word listed below may differ slightly from the usage of the Norwegian word listed next to it.
a berry - et bær
a boat - en båt
a bush - en busk
a cake - ei kake
a cat - en katt
a cow - ei ku
a day - en dag
a door - ei dør
a fish - en fisk
a glass - et glass
a goat - ei geit
a hammer - en hammer
a horse - en hest
a house - et hus
a morning - en morgen
a night - en natt
a plant - en plante
a sea - en sjø
a stone - en stein
a tree - et tre
a window - et vindu
a worm - en orm
grass - gress
paper - papir
water - vann
to bathe - å bade
to clap - å klappe
to come - å komme
to drift - å drive
to drink - å drikke
to feel - å føle
to float - å flyte
to have - å ha
to hear - å høre
to lick - å slikke
to like - å like
to listen - å lytte
to mean - å mene
to say - å si
to see - å se
to sit - å sitte
to sleep - å sove
to stand - å stå
to steal - å stjele
to swim - å svømme
to thank - å takke
to think - å tenke
to wake up - å våkne
to wash - å vaske
to weigh - å veie
blue - blå
brown - brun
finished - ferdig
good - god
gray/grey - grå
green - grønn
high - høy
low - lav
orange - oransje
red - rød
rich - rik
rotten - råtten
salty - salt
sick - syk
sleepy - søvnig
slim - slank
sour - sur
strong - sterk
sweet - søt
thick - tykk/tjukk
tired - trøtt
violet - fiolett
white - hvit
wise - vis
young - ung
one - en
two - to
three - tre
four - fire
five - fem
six - seks
seven - syv/sju
eight - åtte
nine - ni
ten - ti
eleven - elleve
twelve - tolv
thirteen - tretten
fourteen - fjorten
fifteen - femten
sixteen - seksten
seventeen - sytten
eighteen - atten
nineteen - nitten
twenty - tjue
thirty - tretti
one hundred - ett hundre
one thousand - ett tusen
one hundred thousand - ett hundre tusen
one million - en million
Days of the week:
Monday - mandag
Tuesday - tirsdag
Wednesday - onsdag
Thursday - torsdag
Friday - fredag
Sunday - søndag
January - januar
February - februar
March - mars
April - april
May - mai
June - juni
July - juli
August - august
September - september
October - oktober
November - november
December - desember
Online Norwegian Course
ONLINE NORWEGIAN COURSE: Take the popular online Norwegian Course "The Mystery of Nils" (level A1-A2 or level B1-B2)!
Learn Norwegian with these Free Resources!
The menu below displays the most important free resources available at
Most of these resources are in the Norwegian language, although a few of them include brief introductions or explanations in English.